
What Is NeoSkin?

NeoSkin by Aerolase is a new treatment option that allows for comprehensive rejuvenation of skin tone and texture, fine lines and wrinkles, veins and redness, and hyperpigmentation. Using unique 650 Microsecond Technology, it gently delivers powerful energy for quick results that require no downtime afterwards. The laser energy stimulates the growth of collagen and can address any redness or brown spots. The treatment is customized to your skin’s specific concerns, so whether you simply want to keep your skin glowing and prevent signs of aging or you have specific concerns you would like to address, NeoSkin can be tailored to you.

How Many Treatments Are Needed?

The number of treatments needed varies from person to person depending on wants, needs, and the degree to which skin aging has occurred. For most patients, it is recommended that they undergo a treatment course of 4-6 sessions. Once the results you want have been achieved, subsequent sessions may be needed to maintain the results. Skin aging is a never-ending process. Fortunately, the treatment can be performed whenever your skin needs rejuvenation. 

How Does NeoSkin Work?

  1. The entire area (most commonly the face, neck, or chest) will be treated with laser light to globally stimulate collagen, which helps to minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, lax skin, and pores and improve overall tone & texture.
  2. Individual concerns such as spider veins, broken blood vessels, acne or pigmented spots will then be addressed with a more focused treatment. The laser energy will be applied directly to these concerns, which will disappear over time. 
Neo Skin Results — Kissimmee, FL — Aramayo Aesthetics dba
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